New Year's Solution

As we countdown the last few hours of 2020, many of us are pondering our resolutions and changes for the new year.  There is excitement and momentum for change, and yet, according to research most of us will maintain the changes for only about two weeks.

Unrealistic expectations, impulse based decisions, “shoulds”, and lack of connection with ourselves greatly contribute to our old routines returning shortly after the new year begins.

What can we do differently?

Let’s take a look at your life and ask yourself the following questions:
  • Self: Do I feel personally fulfilled? Do my hobbies promote self-care? What interests do I have that I have not explored? Am I spiritually connected? How is my health?
  • Relationships: Am I connecting with others in a healthy way? Do I have a strong support system? Does my living environment promote growth? Do I have friends/family I can reach out to for support?
  • Professional: Am I mentally stimulated? Is my profession satisfying my current professional and personal goals?
If any of the above questions appear difficult to answer or your answer is incongruent to the way you want to live, those may be the areas of change or as I like to call them, New Year’s Solutions.

Connecting with your body and mind will allow you to identify areas which you want to solve. Solutions and growth require balance. Balance is key to sustaining changes.

The following SMART steps will help to increase your chances of sustaining a healthy and balanced solution to your identified areas of growth.
  • S-pecific: state what solution you want to achieve. Write your solution down and use action words to describe your plan.
  • M-easurable: how will you evaluate your progress? Identify ways to measure specific targets. How will you know when the goal is achieved?
  • A-achievable: set realistic expectations, strive for balance. Ensure your goal is possible to accomplish and to maintain.
  • R-elevant: make sure the goals fit YOUR needs and solutions. Will it create more balance in your life? Is your solution worthwhile?
  • T-ime based: when do you plan to complete your goal? Be specific on date and timeline. Again, remember to set reasonable time frames and celebrate your progress along the way.

If you find yourself feeling excited to find solutions to your problems and to feed your mind and body with healthy balance, 2021 may be the year to start the changes! If you feel stuck in how you can proceed with your SMART goal, ask for help.

When you make a commitment to be mentally, emotionally, and physically healthy, Mind Matters Therapy Services is here to support you. Together we will eliminate any personal obstacles or barriers in reaching your goals.

January 1st is just the first day in the calendar, but YOU get to decide your first day to a healthy and balanced life.

Sandra Knapp, MS, LPC
Mind Matters Therapy Services, LLC



